[News] Goathead thorns spotted in Moscow!
Dave Peckham of the Village Bicycle Project has spotted a patch of the justly villifed goathead, also known as puncturevine. Anyone from Lewiston or Boise can tell you that this stuff is a bicyclist's nightmare.
The patch was spotted at where the railroad tracks cross 8th street. Dave had an eradication party a few weeks ago, but it will take a great deal of vigilance to make sure Moscow remains safe from this scourge.
So far I've been safe, but a mechanic at a LBS said he's noticed more people coming in with thorns in their tubes.
I saw Dave today and he reported the patch has been pulled up, but there a lots of seeds left in the area. I plan on hitting the are in the Spring and pulling any plants that have germinated from this fall's seed crop. Who will join me?
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