Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Welcome to Moscow Bike Scene, a community blog serving (and examining) the bike scene in Moscow, Idaho. Over the next few weeks I'll be recruiting locals to add their two cents on a diverse range of topics with the common theme of being bicycle-oriented. Some categories for posts I'll be setting up include...

  • mountain and road biking
  • commuting/utility cycling in Moscow
  • single-speeding - one of my current passions
  • bike news - both local stuff like accidents and thefts, as well as industry news
  • safety - you can't ride a bike if you're dead or injured!
  • maintenance and tools
  • sweet rides seen - pictures of local bikes
  • touring/adventure
  • favorite ride routes locally - I'm sure mine aren't the ONLY ones that are cool
  • Biketopia - post-oil peak society, Moscow bike planning and infrastructure
  • fringe - choppers, lowriders, hucking, freeride, etc. (yeah, one person's fringe is another's life; but you have to draw the line somewhere)
  • etc...
You can see I have a lot of ideas, but like everyone I have limited free time. Ideally, the success of MBS will depend on a collaborative effort from diverse and talented people. If you are interested in building and enriching Moscow's vibrant bike culture, as well as 'taking it to the next level' (online) - then sign up to add your two cents!
